Recreating the destiny 2 vortex grenade using UE5's Niagara Particle System
In this article I will show and explain how the Vortex Grenade visual effects were recreated using Niagara in UE5.
Here is an example video of the original effect:
The Niagara system ended up looking like this:
In order to recreate the effects of the vortex grenade, I divided the effects into three main sections:
The impact decal is handled by a single Niagara Emmiter using a Decal Renderer (a new emmiter renderer introduced in UE 5.2). Most of the effects for the decal are handled inside the material. Through the use of noise textures, the cracks and energy effects are randomized each time the decal is spawned by adding a random noise offset to the noise texture’s input uv coordinates.
For the main explosion, the effects were divided into 5 different sprite emmiters shown below:
Finally the vortex effects are a mix of sprite and mesh renderer emitters that start playing on the emitter with a second delay with respect to the main explosion emmiters
As an extra game-feel addition, when the grenade first spawns the vortex effects, a small screen shake effect is palyed at the location of the grenade to all nearby players. This can be seen in the video at the top of the article (around the 20 second mark).